Filial Piety
Practice and Discourse in Contemporary East Asia
Edited by Charlotte Ikels


Table of Contents for Filial Piety

Table of Contents for Filial Piety

List of Tables and Figures

List of Contributors

Introduction, by Charlotte Ikels

1.      Ritualistic Coresidence and the Weakening of Filial Practice in Rural China, by Danyu Wang

2.      Filial Daughters, Filial Sons: Comparisons from Rural North China, by Eric T. Miller

3.      Meal Rotation and Filial Piety, by Jun Jing

4.      “Living Alone” and the Rural Elderly: Strategy and Agency in Post-Mao Rural China, by Hong Zhang

5.      Serving the Ancestors, Serving the State: Filial Piety and Death Ritual in Contemporary Guangzhou, by Charlotte Ikels

6.      Filial Obligations in Chinese Families: Paradoxes of Modernization, by Martin King Whyte

7.      The Transformation of Filial Piety in Contemporary South Korea, by Roger L. Janelli and Dawnhee Yim

8.      Filial Piety in Contemporary Urban Southeast Korea: Practices and Discourses, by Clark Sorensen and Sung-Chul Kim

9.      Culture, Power, and the Discourse of Filial Piety in Japan: The Disempowerment of Youth and Its Social Consequences, by Akiko Hashimoto

10.  Curse of the Successor: Filial Piety vs. Marriage Among Rural Japanese, by John W. Traphagan

11.  Alone in the Family: Great-grandparenthood in Urban Japan, by Brenda Robb Jenike



